Channel: Dartigan
Category: Gaming
Tags: dartiganmovieexplainedtrailerendingshoytgaming sinsfar cry 3open worldfar cry 4reviewfar cry 5ubisoftfar cry 6citra endingvaasremakedualityopeningeverything wrong with far cry 3classiccraftingcutscenesbad endinggame sinsremastertheorycinema sinsfirst person
Description: Far Cry 3 is not a bad game. But it is to blame for the direction open world games took for the next several years. Radio towers, insane villains, crafting, grinding... all of it stems from this source. Of course it has sins. I've been sinning this game for years without even playing it. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Far Cry3! Join my Discord fan community: Follow me on Twitch: Like if you did. Subscribe for more. Vote for the next game. Intro animation created by Runestorm: Inspired by Cinema Sins: #farcry #dartigan #gamesins